- Share news about the Taiji Slaughters with your family and friends.
- Share on all your social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, everywhere you can and spread the news that this is happening. The more people who know, the greater the pressure on the Japanese government to stop this.
- Do not buy a ticket to any aquarium that has captive dolphins and whales - the demand for captive cetaceans provides a market for the Taiji Killers and they make huge amounts of money, take away their incentive!
- Do not buy a ticket to any swim with dolphin programs - the demand for dolphins provides a market for the Taiji Killers and they make huge amounts of money, take away their incentive!
- Please contact news media and ask them to cover this tragedy happening in Taiji.
- If you know anyone in Japan who you can share this with, PLEASE share. Most people in Japan Do Not know this is happening, the Japanese government and news media don't want this exposed - The Japanese are the best ones to make change from within.
- Please don't be impolite or ugly to the Japanese, all that does is alienate the Japanese and others who don't want that kind of bullying treatment towards others.
You can also help by signing Petitions, please visit our "Petitions to Help Cetaceans" page HERE
Photo story about Dolphins and Whales captive industry to share - HERE
The dolphins and whales NEED our help
Only WE can save them
Please Help!
ReplyDeletegreat page!
But all your petitions are closed, qute frustrating - any new ones??
Also, I personally think that there might be another way to help the whales. As they would be unfit for release, maybe something like this petition/proposal of mine might be the best way to actually help them?
All of the main details are in the link above.