Article Index

Article Index

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Why all SeaWorld Orcas are Called Shamu

 Seaworld's Collaboration in the Wild Caught Industry Web, leading right back to Taiji.

 SeaWorld - You have Excuses for Tilikum, what is your Excuse for Keto?

Seaworld helping to train the Russian Orcas 

Kamogawa to AI orcas with Seaworld sperm

Bridgette Pirtle Q and A's with Awesome Ocean

Unna miscarries during a show but the show continues

Where did the Icelandic orcas go

How many incidents has Seaworld had compared to other parks

Does SeaWorld Separate Orca Mothers from their Calves? Yes they do !!!

 Challenging the things Seaworld say - Blackfish lies - Dawn Brancheau and Tilikum

 Challenging the things Seaworld say - Animal Rights Activists on Blackfish.

 Challenging the things Seaworld Say - We do not separate mothers and calves.

  Free from Pathogens, Bacteria, Diseases found in the wild

 Is Tilikum Transient or Resident?

Tilikum - the importance of a breeding bull!

 Research at SeaWorld Benefits Killer Whales in the Wild - which bit??

 Seaworld Orca and Trainer 'Incidents' prior to Blackfish

 Seaworld v OSHA Appeal and not resuming Waterworks

 Challenging the things Seaworld and their supporters say - letter when Tilikum arrived.

 Happy Mothers Day - Captive Orcas

Responses to Seaworld's videos

Seaworld - when is it time to be worried?

Stand with Seaworld pro conservation? Hybrid orcas say NOT

 Glory Seeking Seaworld - Not the Only Marine Mammal Rescuers! Volunteer and truly help.

 Seaworld Round Table Review - Seaworld 10 lies debunked by their own admissions

 The Effect of Captures on the Southern Resident Orcas.

 No Superior Dental Care and the Reasons for the Damage

 We have assisted rescue of killer whales. No you haven't

Up in arms over a debate put to children and the fear that they might develop a different view!

Old News Articles Reveal More Seaworld Lies

Decide for yourself Awesome Ocean or Factual Evidence 

Sick response to the death of J32 Rhapsody 

Awesome Ocean - Kids Reject Blackfish, No they don't lol

Awesome Ocean, Bridgette Pirtle Q and A's still not answered

Awesome Ocean Killing Keiko Mark Simmons Q and As

 Awesome Ocean V the DODO manipulated information AGAIN

 Awesome Ocean, misses information and misses the point yet again!

Awesome Ocean blown out of the water AGAIN!

Awesome Ocean - Eric Davis - Absolute Bullies and Factually Incorrect Again!

Awesome Ocean misleads again - these are NOT facts!

 Awesome Ocean Blackfish is full of Black lied debunked.

 Awesome Ocean Independent AP Study Shows Marine Mammals Living Longer In SeaWorld 

 Response to Awesome Ocean Benefits of Species Survival

 Response to Awesome Ocean Blackfish

 Addressing the Seaworld Myths Article.

Awesome Ocean, Killing Keiko Mark Simmons 

Awesome Ocean 3 things you're not supposed to know

 Response to SeaWorld's Condemnation of the Taiji Drive Hunt and My Solution to SeaWorld's Captive Orcas

Awesome Oceans personal attack on Ric OBarry

Awesome Ocean says Rescues are attacked - Really??


The White Dolphins of Taiji

Proof from Taiji - Its not Tradition, its not Culture, its about Captives

All These Parks Buy from the Taiji Drive Hunt


Taiji Drive Hunt figures 2014 - 2015 season

Taiji Winds of Change
2013/2014 Taiji Drive Hunt Record and Figures

 Photo Story of The Angel of Taiji

Taiji Drive Hunt Figures and Analysis 2000 to Present day

Return to Taiji: My Experience Witnessing the Dolphin Hunt Drive and Slaughter in Taiji Japan
by Cynthia Fernandez, 

Is The Taiji Drive Hunt a Tradition ?? - No It Definately Is Not !!

The Final Horrific Day for the 250+ Bottlenose Dolphins:

4th Day of the Horrific 250+ Bottlenose Dolphin Drive in Taiji Japan

Horrific Day at Taiji Japan for the 250+ Bottlenose Dolphins on Their Second Day

Angel, the Young Albino Dolphin from the January 18th Taiji Dolphin Drive

Largest Bottlenose Dolphin Pod with Baby Albino Dolphin, Captured in Taiji Japan 


CHINA Marine Parks, Zoos and Aquariums with Captive Cetaceans

JAPAN Marine Parks, Zoos and Aquariums with Captive Cetaceans

LATIN AMERICA Marine Parks, Zoos and Aquariums with Captive Cetaceans

 AUSTRALIA AND OCEANIA Marine Parks, Zoos and Aquariums with Captive Cetaceans

EASTERN EUROPE AND RUSSIA Marine Parks, Zoos and Aquariums with Captive Cetaceans

 AFRICA, THE MIDDLE EAST, PAKISTAN & TURKEY Marine Parks, Zoos and Aquariums with

EUROPE AND THE MEDITERRANEAN Marine Parks, Zoo's and Aquariums with Captive Ceta

USA AND CANADA Marine Parks, Zoo's and Aquariums with Captive Cetaceans

All These Parks Buy from the Taiji Drive Hunt


 Orca or Killer Whales Living in Captivity

Orca's Who Have Died in Captivity

Why you shouldn't swim with dolphins 

Poor conditions for Narnia and Nord Russian orcas

Captive facilities closed or never opened due to protests

Sometimes History Should Repeat Itself - The End of UK Dolphinariums

 Wild Caught Orca's STILL in Captivity

 Orca Captures for Exhibition Purposes Began in the Northwest in 1965 with Namu

 The Orca Captivity Business Starts with Moby Doll

Cetacean captures and releases

The First Cetaceans on Display 1861 - birth of the captive industry.

 Old Tom - The Killer Whales of Eden

Mammals We have Driven from the Planet Forever

Controvesy and Death at Marineland Canada

Southern Resident Killer Whales

Captive facilities closed or never opened due to protests

Pelorous Jack

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