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Uncovering The Lies Seaworld Supporters Believe to be True (Orca death's)
The argument lately seems to be that captive orca's won't survive if released. It seems to be the new saying for the pro cap supporters, stating Keiko died. That is true he did die but died of pneumonia after 5 years of being a free whale and crossing an ocean unsupervised with no contact living as a fully wild whale.
On trying to query this with supporters of Captivity I was told = Captive Cetaceans, an Orca born in captivity will not survive in the ocean. They are kept in what is considered a sterile environment, one free from pathogens, bacteria, diseases and dangers that would be found in the wild. Their immune systems are not equipped to handle the wild, nor do they know how to hunt for live fish. There is also a bit of tissue "breakdown" in captive born Orcas due to the sterile environment. This means skin infections could (and probably would) run rampant if they were released. They also know nothing about migrating because in captivity there is no need. In essence, releasing a captive born Orca would be a death sentence.
Although I believe it is unfair to name particular people, I believe it is fair to be able to answer those statements.
So in response to the above, lets see what happens in Seaworld's sterile environments, free from pathogens, bacteria and diseases by looking at the causes of death from within those tanks involving any of the above.
15 orca in Seaworld tanks, (not including the babies or oldest captures), have died from infections caused by the above. 7 of those died of Pneumonia, so stating Keiko's death for not releasing when Orca's in the so called sterile tanks have died of the same thing, is hardly a valid argument.
You will also notice on the necropsy reports that none of them state anything about any tissue breakdown in captive born Orca.
Canuck - died Seaworld California aged 4. Cause of death Candidiasis
Despite knowing he was ill, Seaworld still made him perform in shows. His skin showed areas of sloughing which is brought on by long periods of inactivity.
His necropsy report shows his skin showed areas of sloughing which is brought on by long periods of inactivity. The thoracic cavity showed 2 large abscess's one approximately 6"x 9" and the other 12" x 9". The gastrointestinal tract internally appears to be ulcerated throughout with light plaques in the centers of the ulcerations. The cause of death was determined as Mycotic gastritis or Candidiasis which is a fungal infection.
This common mycotic disease in captive cetaceans occurs secondary to stress, unbalanced water disinfection with chlorines, or indiscriminate antibiotic therapy.
Taku - died Seaworld Texas aged 14 - cause of death Severe Multifocal Interstitial Pneumonia although in 2011 a new report uncovered he had actually died from West Nile Virus.
However, he would not have died had he been in the ocean where contact with mosquito and stress related ulcers would have been none existent.
Most cases of marine mammal pneumonia have significant bacterial involvement, and most organisms cultured from terrestrial species have been identified in marine mammals. Pneumonia often can be considered the result of mismanagement. Here
Shawn died Seaworld California aged 2 - cause of death Pneumonia bacterial origin.
Large colonies of mixed bacteria were present but most were gram positive cocci arranged in large cluster.
The necropsy report concluded - the pneumonia in this animal somewhat resembles bovine shipping fever.
Most cases of marine mammal pneumonia have significant bacterial involvement, and most organisms cultured from terrestrial species have been identified in marine mammals. Pneumonia often can be considered the result of mismanagement. Here
Samoa and her calf died Seaworld Texas aged 14. Cause of death - primary mycotic endometritis developed which spread to the brain resulting in a fatal fulminating mycotic encephalitis.
Samoa has quite a large necropsy report due to her condition, She had a huge area in her brain that had been severely damaged by the spread of the fungus which originated in her uterus. She literally had brain damage as her brain was being eaten away by a common fungus found in soil.
It has been reported by Sea World – San Antonio (1992): Months before her death in 1992, horrified onlookers had watched the orca Samoa perform “bizarre, repetitive movements, hurling her body into the air and crashing down again and again upon the hard surface of a wide shelf at the side of her pool.” In a tragic note, Samoa was pregnant, and her full-term fetus died with her due to birth complications.
For this type of fungus to be present in Samoa’s uterus shows a couple of different things
Samoa had an open tear or cut in her uterus
While having the open cut Samoa had “something” inserted into her uterus that had the fungus on it
Samoa had a compromised immune system
Samoa went untreated for this specific fungus far too long which lead to her and her calf’s mortality. This fungus could have been easily transmitted via an infected medical instrument or even a trainer’s own hands. Transmission of the fungus could also come from the water in the pool when husbandry procedures were being performed. The orcas are not moved to clean water when conducting husbandry procedures. These sessions occur in the same pools the orcas swim, urinate, poop in and trainers swim/walk in.
Another option would be that during mating sessions with Kotar, he tore Samoa’s uterus and he himself infected Samoa with the fungus, either through the water transmission from the pool or himself directly. The risk for Zygomycosis is especially high when the skin or mucus membranes have been injured. Wound care is essential in preventing Zygomycosis. The wound must be carefully cleaned and monitored for signs of infection which obviously did not occur.
Samoa did not die of labour complications as many believe, she died of infection.
Ramu died Seaworld Florida aged 18 - cause of death given as Old Age !
Necropsy diagnosis
1. Cardiopulmonary decompensation
2. Infectious pleuritis
3. numerous senile changes
Dr David Kenny the marine park veterinarian said all three whales were showing signs of flu, they cannot make their theatrical leaps out of the water and are sluggish and grumpy. However the Dr Kenny said the whales hadn't started sneezing yet. Ramu was being treated for infection
Orky 2 died Seaworld California aged 30 cause of death pneumonia
The necropsy report says This animal appears to have died from acute pneumonia which was caused by.diminished immune competence associated with chronic wasting.
The degenerative kidney lesions seen on microscopic examination, along,with clinical laboratory test results, suggest the presence of a protein losing neghropathy, This type of kidney problem would produce a condition of chronic weight loss that would not readily respond to increased food intake. There was no investigation as the disease in itself would cause the weight loss.
Sea World officials say they still have enough males to operate a viable breeding program, however.
They also said they are heartened that Orky fathered two calves with new mates before dying--something that wouldn't have happened if he had stayed at Marineland, said Brad Andrews, vice president for marine mammals at Sea World.
Most cases of marine mammal pneumonia have significant bacterial involvement, and most organisms cultured from terrestrial species have been identified in marine mammals. Pneumonia often can be considered the result of mismanagement. Here
Nootka died Seaworld California aged 28 cause of death Pyogranulomatous; pneumonia
Seaworlds own necropsy report states - In august 1989 Nootka started to get ill. This animal
experienced a chronic illness which first became apparent in late August 1989. She was maintained on
antibiotic therapy until early December 1989. In December a deep mycoses serum panel as well as
the appearance of a mycotic glossal lesion made us aware that the animal was suffering from a combined fungus and yeast infection. The skin of the dorsal fin and around the blowhole is dried and cracked showing she had been floating for q while too, a result of dryness.
Kilroy died Seaworld California aged 13. Cause of death Gangrenous Pneumonia
On 23rd September 1978 Kilroy died. The diagnosis from his necropsy report is Gangrenous pneumonia, pulmonary edema and mycotic myocarditis.
The history prior to death states - Abnormal behavior and anorexia were noted about 8/15/78.Examination and lab work were done and treatment was instituted.Increased respiratory rate, dyspnea and a foul odor from blow hole were noted.Treatment was continued with little improvement. Condition and activity continued to decline and tube feeding was implemented.
Most cases of marine mammal pneumonia have significant bacterial involvement, and most organisms cultured from terrestrial species have been identified in marine mammals. Pneumonia often can be considered the result of mismanagement
Kenau and fetus died Seaworld Florida aged 17. Cause of death Hemorrhagic Bacterial Pneumonia
The necropsy doctors stated -
The pulmonary lesions are suggestive of a severe, acute,bacterial pneumonia. The mild renal lesions and the parasitic lesion(abscess caused by worms) are considered incidental to the cause of death.
lymph node, not otherwise specified (NOS), severe inflammation,neutrophilic infiltrate, associated with bacteria, rods.
Comment:Cause of death in this animal is probably shock associated with endotoxemia. The isolation of Pseudomonas from her calf helps to support this possibility, suggesting a terminal septicemia. Beyond this, it is difficult to determine what the initiating problem is in this case.
Her 12 month old fetus was alive and well up to the point of Keanu's death. In her short teenage life, she was taken from her own family aged 2, flown across the world, been put in ALL the Seaworld parks, had 4 pregnancies, 1 stillborn, 1 miscarriage, 1 live birth taken from her aged 2 and a half and one die with her. She was bought for the breeding programme and I believe Seaworld would have kept breeding her had she not taken ill and died.
Most cases of marine mammal pneumonia have significant bacterial involvement, and most organisms cultured from terrestrial species have been identified in marine mammals. Pneumonia often can be considered the result of mismanagement.
Kanduke died Seaworld Florida aged 25. Cause of death Viral Leptomenigitis
His necropsy report states - Initial results from first pathologist on 10-12-90 pointed toward a possible viral infection as evidenced by:1) Meningoencephalitis2) Lymphoid hyperplasia3) Enteritis A second set of tissues were submitted to a second histopathologist. Initial phone results indicated similar findings and additional slides containing meninges were sent by the 1st pathologist for review. The second histopathologist's major findings included:1) Leptomeningitis2) Chronic cerebral and spinal chord perivasculitis 3) Lymphoid inflammation of intestinal tract.
1993 Update:
Although not reflected or updated in NMFS MMIR, a 1993 study was published— “Isolation of St. Louis encephalitis virus from a killer whale” which indicates the death of Kanduke was caused by the St. Louis encephalitis virus with a mosquito vector.
To die from this he must have spent an awful lot of time just floating at the surface, something he would not have done in the wild. He would also have not eaten dead fish in the wild, he was a mammal eating orca.
Katerina died Seaworld Texas died aged 10. Cause of death - Severe Suppurative Hemorrhage. Bacterial Pneumonia
Bjossa died Seaworld California aged 24. Cause of death Bronchial Pneumonia
Bjossa was bought from Vancouver Aquarium. She was introduced to Corky 2 an older orca and a youngster Sumar who had been separated from his mother.
Bjossa who had never had the opportunity to look after her own babies, looked after Sumar most of the time, she performed in shows sometimes but nonetheless she fought an illness for a long time and in 2001 took sick once again. She stopped eating and was placed in the medical pool. By August she wasn't doing any better and was sent to the animal care area of the park out of public view and unfortunately she passed away on October 2001, not completing a full year at Seaworld.
She did however get a last chance to be a mother to Sumar as she was deprived of her own calves, so her last months with little Sumar were probably her happiest since being captured.
She died on bronco pneumonia at the young age of 24
Most cases of marine mammal pneumonia have significant bacterial involvement, and most organisms cultured from terrestrial species have been identified in marine mammals. Pneumonia often can be considered the result of mismanagement. Here
Kandu 3 - died Seaworld California aged 7. Cause of death Urameia Nephritis
On the night on June 15th 1975 she was lifted out of the pool in a sling to enable medication to be poured down her blowhole to try to counter an infection. They placed her in a swimming pool of fresh water to try to help her but she did not make it through the night. She died of nephritis and uremia, swollen kidneys and kidney failure causing urea and waste products to remain in the blood instead of being passed out in the urine. The condition can be caused by toxins, infection and autoimmune disease.
Kalina - dies Seaworld Florida aged 25. Cause of death Acute Bacterial Septicemia
On Monday October 4, 2010 Kalina died of Preacute Bacteremia Septicemia. In a span of 11 years, the original Baby “Shamu” gave birth to 5 children, with four of them still alive today. All of her babies were taken from her to fill spaces in other parks.
Halyn - died Seaworld Texas aged 2. Cause of death West Nile Virus
After Halyn was born, her mother Kayla rejected her and she had to be raised by the trainers. Again her mother Kayla was taken from her mother at only 2 and a half, giving her no experience with orca calves and no mother to learn from.
Soon after birth, Halyn was moved to animal care where she spent time with her trainers and dolphins. As she grew, it was decided to move her back to Shamu Stadium. In November 2006, her mom moved to SeaWorld Orlando to learn how to take care of any future calves so they say it was probably because she was pregnant again, nothing to do with learning anything.
Halyn was introduced to her father Keet, although he wasn't very playful he did have a lot of tolerance for his daughter and they bonded quite well.
Sadly on 15/6/2008 little Halyn died from Encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain apparently carried by mosquito
thank you for collecting and describing this view into the unpleasant fatalities common in captivity. Will be contacting you about visual media supporting your descriptions to assist viewers in getting a feel from the orcas perspective. Can't believe how many still feel captives are a happy/healthy lot. THAT is much of the reason captivity continues, not a doubt in my mind.
ReplyDeleteHi yeah that will be great. It drives me mad when the evidence is there in the necropsy reports, yet they still deny things.
DeleteNow Tilikum is next in line as he is suffering from the final stages of several aforementioned afflictions. This has to stop. We're not "tin foil wearing hat conspiracy theorists". This is real. Science does not lie. My 7 & 11 year old girls get it... seriously! What is it going to take for people to listen and help in moving toward a solution? We're not talking about a "pissing contest" between who is right and wrong. Truth is truth and when it sucks, we find a way to fix it. That is life. These beautiful creatures have a right to life as well.
DeleteVery Useful and Informative, today number of fatal diseases are actually the result of these bacterial infections. We may kill all such microbes through electrical pulses by using Hulda Clark Zapper by Parazapper. We should try it at least once in life.