Friday, 27 February 2015

Evidence shows Sustainability Study IS Needed for the Taiji and Iwate Hunt Quotas

 IUCN links  PROVE that a sustainability study in Taiji and Iwate is well overdue.  The Government of Japan​ are indeed using 20 year old data or deliberately ignoring the facts listed here by the IUCN

Risso's IUCN link 
83,300 (CV=17%) in three areas of concentrated occurrence off Japan (Miyashita 1993) This shows the quotas are being set from a 21 year old set of figures.
Conservation Actions: The species is listed in Appendix II of CITES. The North and Baltic Sea subpopulations are included in Appendix II of CMS.

This is a circumglobal species, which migrates between summering and wintering grounds. Off California, where these movements are best known, they may cross between US and Mexican waters. Data on abundance, bycatch, and behaviour needed in order to develop conservation measures that will enable protection of the natural habitat of the species

Japan is the only country on the planet to actively hunt Risso's dolphins!


Bottlenose: IUCN link
36,791 (CV=25%) in Japanese coastal waters (Miyashita 1993)
Acute conservation problems are known or suspected in at least: (a) the Mediterranean and Black seas (IWC 1992, Reeves and Notarbartolo di Sciara 2006); (b) Sri Lanka (Leatherwood and Reeves 1989); (c) Peru, Ecuador and Chile (Read et al. 1988; Van Waerebeek et al. 1990, 1997; Sanino et al. 2004; K. Van Waerebeek pers. comm.); (d) Taiwan (Hammond and Leatherwood 1984, Perrin 1989, Wang et al. 1999); and (e) Japan (Miyazaki 1983
Conservation Actions: The species is listed in Appendix II of CITES.

The Bottlenose Dolphin has been afforded special protected status under Annex II of the European Union’s Habitats Directive. Commercial hunting of Black Sea cetaceans including Bottlenose Dolphins was banned in 1966 in the former USSR, Bulgaria and Romania, and in 1983 in Turkey.

Pantropical spotted: IUCN link

 The north-eastern offshore Spotted Dolphin (the form most affected by the ETP tuna fishery) numbered about 737,000 in 2003 (CV=15%; Gerrodette et al. 2005), a reduction of 76% from original size in 1959 (Reilly et al. 2005). This population is not showing clear signs of recovery despite the dramatic decline in mortality in recent years (Gerrodette and Forcada 2005)
Estimate about 438,000 inhabited Japanese waters in the early 1990s (Miyashita 1993).
Japan takes large numbers of spotted dolphins for human consumption. The catch in 1982 was 3,799, and annual catches between 1994 and 1997 ranged from 23 to 449 (Perrin 2002). Between 1995 and 2004, the average annual catch was 129 animals (Kasuya 2007). The drive fishery for Spotted Dolphins began in 1959 and is thought to have caused a slight decline in the minimum age at attainment of sexual maturity in females (Kasuya 1985).

Conservation Actions: The species is listed in Appendix II of CITES.

Spotted Dolphins, as with other species impacted by the ETP tuna purse-seine fishery, are managed both nationally by the coastal countries and internationally by the IATTC. The IATTC has imposed annual stock mortality limits on each purse seine and promulgated regulations regarding the safe release of dolphins (Bayliff 2001).

As the species comprises several subspecies and regional populations, the conservation status of each of these should be assessed separately since the available estimates of abundance and removals suggest that some of them may fall into a Threatened category.


Striped:IUCN link

Relatively few striped dolphins (about 19,631; CV = 70%) were present in the nearshore waters off Japan (Kasuya 1999). In the coastal portion of this range, the population has probably been depleted by directed takes (Kasuya 1999); however, questions of population identity remain (IWC 1994).

The largest directed catches have occurred in Japanese waters, in drive and hand-harpoon fisheries at several locations that date back to at least the Meiji period (1868-1912). Catch statistics are incomplete before 1978, but annual recorded takes exceeded 15,000-20,000 striped dolphins in some years. Catches were reduced beginning in 1981 and have since varied between 358 (in 1987) and 4,783 (1981), averaging 2,512 during the period 1981-89. Between 1988-1994, the average catch was 1,045 (Kasuya 1999). The average take between 1995-2004 was 502 individuals (Kasuya 2007), and there has been an annual quota of 725 since 1993 (through 2006). Fragmented information on morphology, life history, pollutant levels and genetics suggests that the striped dolphins taken by Japanese fisheries are from more than one subpopulation, with varying proportions among fisheries and perhaps over time (IWC 1993).

Conservation Actions: The species is listed in Appendix II of CITES.

Striped dolphins are one of the main small cetacean species involved in small cetacean harpoon and drive fisheries in Japanese waters. The impact of these takes on the populations should be reassessed.

The current ban on driftnet fishing in the Mediterranean should be implemented and enforced as a matter of priority.


 Pacific white sided: IUCN Link

 Two separate estimates of abundance have been made for waters of the central North Pacific, suggesting that 900,000–1,000,000 Pacific White-sided Dolphins may inhabit this oceanic region (Buckland et al. 1993, Miyashita 1993); however, precision was low for both studies, and vessel attraction probably resulted in a substantial overestimation of population size (Buckland et al. 1993).

The potential for renewed directed takes in Japanese waters, coupled with evidence for population substructure, particularly at the southern ends of this species' range, may require the re-examination of the threat to this species.

 Conservation Actions: The species is listed in Appendix II of CITES.

The most significant international conservation measure for this species was the United Nations (U.N.) moratorium on high-seas driftnet fishing implemented in 1993. In the eastern North Pacific, the U.S drift gillnet fishery has been required since 1996 to use acoustic warning devices (pingers) to reduce cetacean bycatch; however, low levels of bycatch of Lagenorhynchus obliquidens have continued (Carretta et al. 2005).


For some reason Yamamoto missed off the false killer whales and the short finned pilot whales, but their data is there too.

False Killer Whale IUCN link
Not been caught for the last 3 seasons in Taiji, despite the quota being given every year.
Global trend or abundance data for this species are unavailable.

Studies on population structure in this species indicate both broad-scale (between-ocean) limits on gene flow (e.g., Kitchener et al. 1990), and limited gene flow on smaller (within-ocean) scales (Chivers et al. 2007). Abundance has been estimated for the coastal waters of China and Japan (16,000, CV=26%; Miyashita 1993).

Although there is considerable controversy regarding the absolute level of declines, there is good evidence of large-scale reductions in many predatory fish populations (e.g., Baum et al. 2003, 2005; Sibert et al. 2006; Polacheck 2006) and over-fishing and collapse of several important “prey” fish stocks world-wide (e.g., Jackson et al. 2001). The effects of such fish population reductions and subsequent ecosystem changes on world-wide populations of false killer whales are unknown but could result in population declines.

Conservation Actions: The species is listed in Appendix II of CITES

This is a relatively poorly-known species which, although mostly observed over deep water, is known to strand from many coasts. Abundance estimates as well as by-catch data do not exist for most areas, nor are there detailed accounts on migratory behaviour. Clearly, more research is needed.


Short Finned Pilot Whale IUCN link

There are two geographical forms of Short-finned Pilot Whales off Japan, northern and southern, differing in external and cranial morphology (Rice 1998). Their exact taxonomic status is unresolved, but they may represent separate species or subspecies.
The Short-finned Pilot Whales are treated as one species even though there is evidence that it may be a complex of two or more species. If it is so designated, the classification may change. If taxonomic designations change, then it is suspected that some new species may warrant listing under higher categories of risk. Because additional data should resolve this taxonomic uncertainty, the current species is listed as Data Deficient.

The northern form off Japan has a sub population estimated at 4,000–5,000, and the southern form has an estimated sub population of about 14,000 in coastal waters (Miyashita 1993)

The Short-finned Pilot Whale has been exploited for centuries in the western North Pacific. The largest catches have recently occurred off Japan, where small coastal whaling stations and drive fisheries take a few hundred annually. In recent years, the southern form continues to sustain a higher kill than the northern form and is considered depleted The current annual national quota is 50. In 1982, the drive fishery at Taiji expanded and harpooning of the northern form was resumed off Sanriku and Hokkaido. Between 1982 and 1985, 1,755 whales of the southern form were killed, and 519 of the northern form were taken during this same period. The current annual national quota is 450. From 1985 to 1989, Japan took a total of 2,326 short-finned pilot whales. The drive fisheries in Japan, as well as the Japanese harpoon fishery continue today. In 1997, Japan recorded a catch of 347 Short-finned Pilot Whales (Olson and Reilly 2002).

 Conservation Actions: The species is listed on Appendix II of CITES. Research is needed to determine the impact of potential threats on this species.


Dalls Porpoise IUCN link

In the western North Pacific, the truei-type population migrating between the Pacific coasts of Japan and the central Okhotsk Sea is estimated at 217,000 (CV=0.23). The dalli-type population migrating between the Sea of Japan and the southern Okhotsk Sea is estimated at 226,000 (CV=0.15), and the dalli-type population summering in the northern Okhotsk Sea at 111,000 (CV=0.29) (IWC 1998). These estimates are subject to biases due to response to survey vessels.

The International Whaling Commission currently recognizes 11 populations of this species, based on differences in genetics, pollutant loads, parasite faunas, and distribution patterns of cow/calf pairs (IWC 2002). Three of them summer in the Okhotsk Sea, two in the Bering Sea, four in the North Pacific, and two off the U.S. coast, but the wintering grounds are unknown for many of them. The populations cannot be reliably distinguished by their external appearance at sea except for the three summering in the Okhotsk Sea, which are distinguishable based on the pigmentation and location.

 The Japanese government began to regulate the hand-harpoon hunt in 1989, and a catch quota was introduced in 1993. The fishery currently operates with a quota of 9,000 dalli-type Sea of Japan-southern Okhotsk Sea population and 8,700 truei-type Pacific coast-central Okhotsk Sea population (IWC 2002). The current level of reported takes are about 4% of the mean estimate of the size of the populations; however, these catch statistics might not be reliable (Kasuya 2007).

Environmental contaminants are also thought to be a threat, and high levels of organochlorines may reduce testosterone levels in males and affect calf viability, thereby influencing reproduction and survival (Subramanian et al. 1987, 1988).

 Conservation Actions: The species is listed in Appendix II of CITES.

The long period since the last survey (over 15 years) warrants urgent reassessment of the status of the two sub populations hunted by the Japanese hand harpoon fishery.


As you can see from the IUCN reports above ALL species need assessment for sustainability, as none have any up to date reports to work from, they ARE being done from 21 year old data and some have IUCN Conservation Actions listed that also have not been done.

Shinzo Abe and the Japanese Government need to halt the hunts until they have the information needed above for everyone's benefit.  

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Nanuq another Seaworld shame. Beluga programme needs to end!

The Province along with many other press outlets reported the death of Nanuq this week
..VANCOUVER — A beluga whale from the Vancouver Aquarium that had been living at a SeaWorld in Florida has died.
Orlando SeaWorld posted a statement on its Facebook page Friday confirming the death of Nanuq, a male beluga estimated to be around 31 or 32 years old.
SeaWorld says Nanuq was being treated by veterinarians for an infection associated with a fractured jaw, an injury that resulted from an “interaction between two animals that were part of a compatible social group.”
The cause of death is not yet known, and a post-mortem examination has been scheduled, although results are not expected for six to eight weeks.
The Vancouver Aquarium says Nanuq was transferred to Orlando in 1997, as part of a co-operative program to manage the genetic diversity of belugas in human care.
He has had five transfers between various SeaWorld facilities, with the most recent occurring in 2014 when he was moved from San Diego to Orlando.
The aquarium says that in 1995 Nanuq sired a female beluga named Qila, who continues to live at the
Vancouver Aquarium, and staff are deeply saddened by the death.''

Lets take a look at the life Nanuq has had in human care and at the 'compatible social group'. 

Nanuq was captured in Manitoba on the 12th August 1990, along with Imaq who also belongs to Van Aqua but now lives at Seaworld. He was transported to Van Aqua on the 15th August and was put to work in the breeding programme, he currently has Qila who was born on 23rd July 1995 and is still housed at Van Aqua.

In the meantime Seaworld's beluga calves were dying.

Snow White, captured 1968 death unknown

Too too, captured Sept 1972, was placed in the Gillis family pool, transported again to Seaworld Ohio, transported again in the same month to Seaworld California and died en route.

x, transported to Seaworld California 15th July 1973 died 9th November 1973 (4 months at SW)

Edwina, captured 1973, transported to Seaworld 15th July 1973 died 16th July 1979 (6 years at SW)

 Belinda, captured 1973, transported to Seaworld California 15th July 1973, died 25th April 1975 at Seaworld Ohio (2 years at SW)

 Kojak, captured 15th July 1975, transferred to New York Aquarium 22nd July 1975, transferred to SW California 25th Feb 1976, died 27th Nov 1976 (9 months at SW)

Muk Tuk, captured 1977, transferred 1st August 1977 to US Navy, transfer SW California 7th Feb 2001, died 18th Jan 2007 (6 years at SW)

 Nukilik,  captured 31 July 1977, transported to Minnesota Zoo 22nd July 1975, transferred to SW California 26th April 1987, dead 16th July 1990 (3 years at SW)

Anana, captured 11th August 1977, transported to Minnesota Zoo 16th August 1977 transported to SW California April 1987, dead 12th June 1989 (2 years at SW)

Shadow, captured July 1979 transported to SW California 24th July 1979 dead 20th August 1981 (2 years at SW)

Casper, transported to SW 24th July 1979, died whilst pregnant 20th August 1987 (8 years at SW)

Snoopy  captured and sent to SW California 24th July 1979 died 20th Jan 1981 (2 years at SW)

Belinda's calf born on 7th May died on 11th May 1984 (4 days)

Martha's calf born on 17th September 1993 and died on 14th November 1993 (2 months)

Spooky's calf was stillborn on 17th September 1993

Kia's calf was born on 25th September 1993 and died on 15th Feb 1995 (18 months)

Nanuq arrives at Seaworld California 27th July 1997 but the deaths continue.

Up to this point no calves had survived at Seaworld

This was what his life at Seaworld was all about, much the same as Tilikum's. A viable bull, even if like in this video he didn't want to be one.

 Nanuq arrived at San Diego in 1997, he was moved around the parks going to San Antonio in 2005 and back again to San Diego. As you can see from the video here, Seaworld says he has to establish himself as the top bull with 10 year old Aurek, which is a direct contradiction to the statement given to the press  ''two animals that were part of a compatible social group''!!

And yet the babies continue dying, including 5 of Nanuq's own calves.

Olivia born SW Texas 19th June 1998 father unknown died 20th April 2005 (aged 7)

Hudnall born SW Florida 27 June 1999 died 4th October 2003 (aged 4)

Martha's calf born and died 2000

Kia's calf was still a fetus found when doing her necropsy

Whisper was just 7 years old when she had a stillborn calf to Nanuq 

Sikku was just 9 when her calf died also fathered by Nanuq

Ruby was 28 years old when she was AI's with Nanuq's sperm her baby was born on 28th May 2008 and died on the 18th June 2008 (1 month)

Whisper now aged 9 was AI'd with Nanuq's sperm on 27th July 2008 she had twins both died within a month

Ruby now 32 had a stillborn in July 2012 also to Nanuq 

Of those calves Nanuq still has living - 
Atla was born at San Diego to Luna she was AI'd aged 10, Luna still lives in Texas and her baby Atla was move to San Diego aged 4.

Ruby was 30 when she had Pearl  on 23rd June 2010 Ruby died on 3rd July 2014 leaving Pearl behind.

Oliver - born to Martina in San Antonio on 23rd June 2007.  Martina died in January 2009

Crissy was AI'd aged 11 with Nanuq's sperm producing Bella on 12th June 2009 both are still alive

 The tanks at Seaworld parks now contain
Seaworld San Diego - of 24 Belugas they now have only 6 remaining. 2 were wild caught and 3 babies

Seaworld Orlando
Have Whisper who sadly lost 2 of Nanuq's babies being pregnant at 7 and again by AI at 9.
They also have Klondike who was taken from his mother at Marineland Canada aged 4, Aurek who was taken the same way aged 3 and Maple who was also taken the same way aged 3. They had only Whisper left after 3 deaths which is probably why they acquired more.

 Seaworld San Antonio
 San Antonio had 28 Belugas, they have 10 left.

The Beluga breeding programme at Seaworld is shocking, of all the Belugas that have lived and died in the park only 9 babies have survived and they have held Belugas since 1975, 40 years to produce 9 living babies at the expense of all those dead.

Its not just Seaworld it is the captive Beluga population in the USA that speaks volumes for them NOT being in captivity. All the parks stick together as we saw in the Beluga Importation from Russia, that were going directly to Seaworld and Shedd  and no where near Georgia Aquarium. They also swap and change their Belugas as we can see with the residents in Georgia Aquariums's tanks now.

Mystic Aquarium has 3 living and 8 dead 2 of which were wild caught and Juno who arrived from Marineland Canada via Sea World Florida.

Georgia Aquarium have 4 living who all belong to Seaworld the last 2 being only 2 and 3 years old.

Shedd Aquarium  have 7 living and 9 are dead.

Vancouver Aquarium have the only other mother and calf belonging to Nanuq, they have 12 dead.

We all know Marineland Canada also has Belugas which they import from Russia

They currently hold 45 Belugas, 20 have been born there and 25 are Russian importations. They have 25 dead. Mystic have 1 of their Belugas and Seaworld have 3, they were born at the park but as in the transfer of Kiara the dolphin from Japan, Seaworld know the parents are Russian imports, just as they know Kiara's parents are drive hunt dolphins.

Where ever there is a loophole these people will exploit it and the above figures show there is very clear evidence that Belugas ARE NOT THRIVING IN CAPTIVITY, and it needs to come to an end.


Thursday, 5 February 2015

Awesome Ocean Attempts to stop their fans finding the truth!

Dodo Demands SeaWorld Answer Hate Mail

150202_AwesomeOcean_Featured 2
Ever try having a conversation with the bathroom wall? In a truckstop bathroom with foul graffiti written on it?
Of course, but then you resort to blocking don't you? 
We didn't think so.

Yet, PETA super-fans over at The Dodo are demanding SeaWorld do just that. Essentially demanding that SeaWorld respond to what consists of The Dodo's thoughts about the marine park.

Firstly, your research shows you up once again lol. Take a look here
Anyone and everyone who loves animals can make a post on the Dodo, even you Eric, so its not just the thought of one thing - the Dodo, it is the thoughts of many individuals, even Seaworld fans write on there too. Fancy that!!

You see, leading up to the Super Bowl, GoDaddy released an ad online. The ad, which is an obvious spoof of the hugely popular puppy ads from Budweiser, features a puppy named Buddy who is lost and returns home only to realize he’s been sold via a website set up using GoDaddy.
Twitter and Facebook erupted with negative reactions to the ad citing the promotion of puppy mills and improper breeding.
GoDaddy began engaging those who tweeted at them about the ad. They explained their longtime work with animal shelters, volunteer efforts by GoDaddy employees and even noted that a loving family had adopted Buddy. It was by-and-large a rational conversation.
Well isn't that how it should be? 
If you have nothing to hide you defend yourself, well normal people do anyway, those who are honest enough to back up what they say. People like yourself, Stand with Seaworld, Podcast all run by ermmm you, Erin and Mike, block those who are armed with the facts, take a look down your own wall, there are many times people say they love learning facts, not just things you choose to tell them. Then there is Seaworld themselves who do exactly the same thing.
Got something to hide?

In steps PETA's official mouthpiece, a web publication called The Dodo.
Seeing controversy, they took a shot at SeaWorld.
 Rightly so as Seaworld even when addressing things lie upon lie. What company would use an orca who had 7 calves and only has 2 of them with her as an example of NOT separating mothers from their offspring?

Katina - 
First born Kalina was taken to do a tour of the Seaworld parks and not returned until she was 9 years old. Whilst away she had a calf of her own at the extremely young age of 7, 18 months gestation so she was 5 and a half years old and Seaworld allowed her to become pregnant. When Keet was 18 months old his mum was moved again as she was pregnant again. SEAWORLD SAID KEET BECAME DEPRESSED after her move but he was cared for by Haida 2 and made friends with Kuyquot and Katerina, despite that at aged 5 he was moved to away from them too.


He stayed at San Diego for 9 months, then was moved to Ohio and then to San Antonio. He finally formed a bond with Kayla even fighting with Ky over her and was then reunited with his brother and they too became really close. Despite the bonds he made as he would have naturally been at his mothers side all his life, he was then sent to Loro Parque never seeing any of them again. People wonder then why he killed poor Alix Martinez, Seaworld knew he was messed up as they tried to correct his bad habits, who gave him those bad habits? Even though they knew about Keto they still let the trainers in Loro Parque swim with them, being supervised by Brian Rokeach didn't stop the death.

As you know the orca so well what possible reason was there to take Tuar from Kalina? He too would still be at his mothers side?

Then there is Skyla how old was she when Seaworld took her from her mother? 2, what was the reason for that??

When Kalina died from septicemia, she had none of her calves with her, why was that as Seaworld state they don't separate them??? Those 4 orca would have stayed in Katina's matriline after Kalinas death.

Katerina - Katina's second calf was taken aged 2, and sent to San Antonio, she died there aged 10. Why did they take her from Katina as Seaworld's lovely videos say they respect the mother and calf bond, and the simpering mother of 4 says 'we wouldn't do that' but they would and have. 

Taku was so messed up he mated with his own mother, producing Nalani a full inbred who can go nowhere as she will never be part of the breeding programme, if she ever is there certainly would be uproar as no respectable institution would breed an animal knowing they were full inbred. As you know them so well, how was that allowed to happen?? He died at San Antonio of pneumonia aged 14. 

Unna - where is Unna and how old was she when she was moved?? She has been on birth control since miscarrying her first calf. Why isn't she still with Katina?? 

Ikaika was only 4 when he was traded for 4 Belugas and sent to Marineland. After winning the court battle he was brought back to Seaworld, so why wasn't he brought back to the same tank as his mother as he would have been with her for life in the wild?? 

Nalani - beautiful Nalani can't go anywhere as she can never be used for the breeding programme due to being the result of mother and son mating. 

7 calves later she had Makaio, who is still with her. She should have all her calves with her and as 3 of them have died from septicemia, pneumonia and infection which then raises the question of how have these orca got those infections as Seaworld says their tanks are free from bacteria, infection and pathogens. Look through the causes of death for the other orca too, this is obviously NOT the case. 

To produce a video saying Seaworld are aware of the mother and calf bonds makes the situation so much worse, as ignorance could have been an excuse, now there is no excuse for separating these orca. 

Answer that one Eric, what sort of company would use that particular orca as an example of respecting the mother and calf bond? The only true statement in the above video is ''the truth is on our parks'' and it most certainly is as anyone can check the whereabouts of those orcas, and the necropsy reports for the others. 

What sort of company would say they were offended as Blackfish said they blamed Dawn for her own death, when the court transcripts of the case show they blatantly did?

“Instead of doing what SeaWorld did to combat negative publicity - deleting Facebook comments, blocking people from their social media accounts and creating a “Truth Team" - GoDaddy is thanking people for giving them feedback.” wrote The Dodo.
That is exactly what Seaworld did and what you do and still do!  Why do you do that are you frightened that those people Seaworld are clinging onto might actually find out the truth? Wouldn't it be better for Seaworld to actually address those issues rather than pretend they didn't happen or have the likes of you keeping people confused with your obsession with PETA and Dodo?

Wonder if GoDaddy got any of the hate tweets or Facebook comments, err… sorry “feedback”, threatening arson and shootings?
Here’s is just a bit of the “feedback” SeaWorld has received that we could find with a quick search:
We all have feedback Eric, it isnt just one sided, so to add to yours, I'll add some from your side, as you chose to leave names on yours I'll return the favour.
screen_shot_2015-01-30_at_12.49.43_pm Screen Shot 2015-01-30 at 12.47.54 PM Screen Shot 2015-01-29 at 4.40.46 PM Screen Shot 2015-01-29 at 4.47.04 PM Screen Shot 2015-01-29 at 5.09.18 PM
 Here are the ones your side post and at the end you can see who fuels things like this
Lets start with this, an event organised and still showing on Stand with Seaworld - Protest the Protestors. Names for these 2 can be provided.

There are 2 people that insist on calling me Dawn, Eric Davis and Mike Madsen.

Double team bullying a girl.

After stating many don't support PETA's kill policy any more than they do.

Actively antagonizes anti captivity people yet stabs her own too.

Summons as many people as possible to cause friction to people posting their own opinions. A quick scroll down their comments shows where the venom comes from and its not this side.

On Gabriella Cowperthwaite

Who fuels all this hatred, as it tries to shift the focus from what people actually protest? 

The same people who write articles bullying Ellen Ericksen 

The same people who lead their fans to believe Activists attack rescues

The same people who try to bully school children

The same people who AGAIN pick on children

One of your most recent

Wow indeed!!  You post comments which look like they are from the same conversation to be fair, and I post many different ones, there are worse ones I could find too all linking back to one of your pages, but there are thousands and thousands of comments that are not like that at all.
I have personally had people thank me for suprising them and not being what they had been led to believe.

The PETA posse at The Dodo can’t seem to understand why SeaWorld won’t respond to comments like these.
 Once again you back up all the allegations above about YOU fuelling this with just this sentence alone. Go look at Dodo as stated earlier ANYONE can post on there, including you, it is in no shape or form a PETA posse, but you once again lead people to attack it.

Normal people either ignore, delete, or report hateful and threatening comments like this. Not The Dodo. They demand SeaWorld say ‘Thank you for your feedback’.
They demand that Seaworld have some honesty and transparency as people can see straight through the lies they spin, especially you, which is probably why you fuel all this as you know your position against actual documented FACTS is now very weak and people can truly see Seaworld for what they are. Their lack of addressing anything put to them, or trying to cover it, just digs their hole deeper than it already is and you fuel that too.

After all, most of these people are PETA fans who read The Dodo.
What a load of biased rubbish and you know it too. Whats the problem are you frightened that those so close might learn a few things, see that they have been blindfolded by you and Seaworld's PR team, as it is all unravelling right before your eyes. You can block people from your pages but you cannot stop those fans from reading things like this blog or the DODO where they can look up facts for themselves. Seaworld will have to face the music over a lot of things as people uncover the truth and you, nor them can stop that.

Take a look through my blog, all the links people need, all the factual reports, necropsies, statements, court reports are all there so people can research themselves, not just blindly follow what they are told in a blocked off bubble. the DODO does the same.

Before you deleted his post stating it was a false profile, someone working for Seaworld gave you some very valuable advise, I suggest you read it again, it wasn't a false account at all as he replied to my request for confirmation.